12:00 12/12 Update:
1. 香港<->北美洲:
經濟客位 60,000里 -> 65,000里
商務客位 120,000里 -> 125,000里
頭等客位 140,000里 -> 150,000里(不過換到機會唔大)
2. 香港<->歐洲:
經濟客位 85,000里 -> 90,000里
商務客位 130,000里 -> 135,000里
頭等客位 160,000里 -> 170,000里
3. 香港<->南美洲南部:
經濟客位 90,000里 -> 95,000里
商務客位 140,000里 -> 150,000里
頭等客位 180,000里 -> 190,000里
去旅行,係人都想搭商務甚至頭等客位啦!不過貴呢!飛長途嘅,連稅閒閒地冇3 – 5萬港紙都埋唔到單,今次就詳細教大家點樣以4折或更低價錢,搭星空聯盟(Star Alliance)成員嘅商務/頭等客位!方法係:透過買里數去兌換商務/頭等機票。其實世界各地好多航空公司都有買積分計劃,不過如果冇乜特別優惠,買分換飛係超唔抵嘅,但有優惠就唔同講法喇~
1. 官網可直接兌換其他星空聯盟機票,揀搭邊間,乜嘢航班,一目了然,唔似有啲航空公司需要親身打電話/電郵先可兌換其他航空公司機票。
2. 佢唔收燃油附加費!唔單止兌換自己機票,連兌換其他星空聯盟機票亦唔駛俾!須知道長途來回呢條數起碼HK$2K-3K!例如香港飛羅馬為例(見附圖),冇油附下淨係俾兩地機場稅US$38.98(HK$304)+兌換費每次US$25(HK$195),下欄費埋單只係US$63.98(HK$499)!平到冇朋友!
3. 可以部份里數再加現金兌換,最低為40%。不過航空公司條款中,有寫明如果里數係透過「買1送1」推廣中買番嚟,唔可以用呢種混合方法兌換機票。問題係:啲里數有Mark實由邊度走出嚟咩?呢一點我有保留~可以一搏~
4. 唔單止來回,仲可以換單程或多航點。單程所需里數即係來回嘅一半,非常公平。
來回澳洲,紐西蘭:HK$11,700 / HK$15,210
來回美國,加拿大:HK$14,040 / HK$16,380
來回歐洲:HK$15,210 / HK$18,720
來回南美洲南部:HK$16,380 / HK$21,060
AXA安盛「卓越」優遊樂旅遊保,手提電話都保!立即報價+投保 「又飛啦捕票器」App,一有新Post即響機!iOS下載;Android下載 Booking.com訂房:泰國 | 日本 | 台灣 | 韓國 | 其他 AGODA訂房:泰國 | 日本 | 台灣 | 韓國 | 其他 *由於優惠產品供應有限,最終格價或因反應熱烈而有所調整,敬請留意。
請問新會員不可用此優惠, 那可以找舊會代買里數嗎???
Hong Kong is in the region of “South Asia”, right? Using the above example, HKG to Rome RT, 160,000 miles are required. I am allowed to purchase max. 75,000 miles in one promotion at USD30 x 75 = USD2,250 and get a total of 150,000 miles. That means I have to buy the remaining 5,000 miles at USD30 x 5 = USD150 in the next promotion to get 10,000 miles. By the time I can make a reservation on these tickets, it will probably be a year from now. Please kindly advise.
Yes you are right! Max mile you could purchase is 75,000 per year. Actually if you want to redeem first class ticket to Europe, you could use another account to buy the remain 5,000 miles (with 5,000 bonus miles under buy-1-get-1 free promotion) and transfer to your original ac, but extra cost will be applied.
Thanks for your prompt reply. However, correct me if I’m wrong, the max. miles to buy PER PROMOTION should be 75,000 and the max. miles to buy IN A CALENDAR YEAR are 150,000. Usually, you said, there are two promotions in a year. Does that mean I can buy 75,000 in 2013 mid-year promotion; plus another 75,000 in year end promotion? These two transactions will cost me USD4,500 but I will end up having 300,000 mileages. Can I book Chicago/Singapore RT tickets (Business or First Class) for my family using my mileages? Thank you in advance.
I think so. But I suggest you better ask the airline directly for official answer 🙂
Please do not use this method for purchasing business class and first class as it is so difficult to redeem biz/1st class tix for Singaporeair or Thai Airways and they are reserved for their loyal tier customers. Mileages can only keep for 1-2 years and they will be expired when you cannot redeem within the precribed timelimit and you are wasting money.
I concur with this. Unless u have previous experience in redeeming business and first class tickets using miles from different programs, otherwise, you are setting up yourself for disappointment. Only some agents from TACA can speak decent English, none can speak Chinese. They are new to Star alliance, and they do not know all the rules. Seats from SQ, LH, LX are almost impossible to get. The routing rules are not clear. The miles expire quickly, with few seats that will fit your schedule (if you are retired, then it is fine.). If you do buy miles, and they will expire and your money is gone for good.
pbd456 is correct. I tried to reserve a first class suite from singaporeair for HKG to Paris as I have so many mileages from United Airline but I am informed that there is no availability for a whole year. Since I’ve not been elite member of Singaporeair and there is no prority redemnption. I need to spend more mileages in the following route, HK -Narita – NY – Frankfurt – Paris – London – SIN – HK in different airlines and routes if I wish to fly A380 and I can only fly one sector in first class suite in SIN to HK. Pls be reminded that you must be an elite member in at least one star alliance airline then you can redeem and fly the route.
雖然里程有效期只得24個月,但是任何一種活動都將有效期順延24個月,即是說戶口active的話,理論上里程永不過期,其實歐美多數里程計劃都這樣,不似得Asia Miles或Krisflyer只有3年有效期,不用就expire,或要付錢續期。但想兌換新航長途商務位以上的話,最好用回Krisflyer,新航通常block了新機種如A380或777-300ER等的商務頭等位不給其他star alliance partner的會員換的。
買里程的確可以以優惠價坐頭等商務,除Avianca外還有其他program有類似優惠,試想只用HK$10000出頭就可坐頭等來回香港歐洲,這個不是夢,不過要花時間去研究。還有買里程後,里程是有機會貶值的,航空公司會定期更改award chart,這點要留意,最好即買即換。
the number of miles that is required to redeem tickets has just gone up without any announcements. also, it is reported that that it is impossible to get seats on ANA, can not mix classes, ie. every flight has to be first or business (some market may not have first or business, and some is even economy only) those route cant be used by lifemiles. one really needs to understand what they are getting into before buying miles. i often hear people buying miles and then not able to get tickets on the desire date and desire route, and they got really upset.
Very good info! Thanks remind!
I agree…I’m Elite member of Air Canada, I didn’t call their CS, but from web, the route I can redeem from other airline is not always fesabile, imagine you want a short haul from HKG->NRT, they are always proposing Air China from HKG->PEK->NRT which is a waste of time. They do have a few direct flight available from United but you need to plan it > 2 months before, ANA flights are showing up rarely….
I’ve got a bit regreted to join Aeroplan as I do not fly Canada/US often, in 2012 AC is the only one that you can get Elite by accumulating 35K miles, but when I acheived this, they announced in 2013 the same level requiring you to have 50K, which is the same as all others (I should have joined SQ/NH for better experience in Asia region).
請問, 可否用自己ACCOUNT幫朋友單獨出飛?
即朋友要去旅行但無LM戶口, 我用我的miles淨出一張佢名的票可以嗎??